Meet Lannie Flowers



Check Lannie’s FB for updates on new releases.


Sweet Sweet Music is in love with the Texas-flavored Power Pop Lannie Flowers has been producing for years.

Make sure to check out all the new music Lannie is releasing and if you, by any change, are not aware of Lannie’s music, buy Live in N.Y.C.  today!



For every song you record, how many end up in the bin? 

Quite a few. Although, not as many as when I was younger and just trying to figure out how to write songs. Sometimes there are songs I like parts of, and they usually get used in other songs that need a break or verse.




With every song you write, are you still learning to become an even better songwriter?

Oh yeah. I don’t think you ever quit learning. If you do and you quit trying different things, then you start getting in a rut. That is a really hard thing to keep from doing.




As an artist, you chose to show your emotions to the world. Is it always comfortable to do so? 

I don’t really have a problem with that.   It’s easy to draw from your past experiences and the emotions you were or are going through.



Any ideas about how to turn this one into a million seller?   

If I knew, I would’ve done that a long time ago.   So, obviously no, I don’t. Wish I did.


What’s the gig you will always remember? And why? 

Can’t think of any right off hand.  Done so many over the years.


The first gig I ever did, I was 12 years old and we talked the high school into letting our band play at intermission for their beauty contest. We got to play one or two songs and (as I remember it) girls were screaming, So when we got through, these older girls were coming up to me and talking to me. Just 15 minutes before, they would have nothing to do with me. That’s when I figured that this would be a pretty good occupation.


There are a few others. Opening for Cheap Trick was really cool.  Playing on the beach to 50,000 kids, opening for some of the Beach Boys. The one I’d like to forget is having to go on after Quiet Riot. That was not an easy task.




When was the last time you thought ‘I just wrote a hit!’?

Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever thought that. I don’t really know what a hit song would be. I just try to write what I know.


Is recording a record easier than getting it heard nowadays? 

The recording is the easiest, fun part to me. Getting it heard is a whole completely different thing.   Although there’s internet radio and different outlets that weren’t there before. So many people can record and release songs themselves. So there are so many choices out there for the buying public.



Which 5 records,  that everybody forgot about, would define ‘our time’ on earth?

Don’t really have a good answer for that. Probably different for everyone.



Recording music. What’s all the fun about? 

For me, the fun of recording is creating something that didn’t exist before. You can do anything you want with the song. When it all comes together as you hear it in your head, it’s pretty amazing.


Playing music in front of a crowd. What’s all the fun about?    

The fun for me sometimes is the feedback you get from the people in the audience. Other times, it’s just playing with the band and clicking on all cylinders.





Always proud to answer ‘I am a musician’ to the question ‘what are you doing?’?   

I always add “and I use the term loosely “  to that answer. Ha!


You can’t control the way people ‘hear’ your music. But if you could make them aware of certain aspects, you think, set your songs apart. What would they be?

I’m not doing anything that hasn’t been done a million times before. The only thing that is mine is the way I see the world and the way I put that vision in my songs.