Behind Vital Signs: The Journey of a Restless Songwriter

Now that More Kicks is a thing of the past, James Sullivan, with Vital Signs, has delivered an exceptional record. It’s sophisticated, melodic, narrative-driven, and utterly intriguing! Here is a restless writer at the top of the songwriting game.

You can discover ‘Day Late Dollar Short’ featured on the Best Power Pop of 2024 Spotify Playlist.

James, your record is truly beautiful and diverse. Did refining your sound after More Kicks disbanded come naturally?

Thanks! I actually finished this record before More Kicks ended. We’d finished the second record, Punch Drunk, and everything was at the pressing plant with Dirtnap and Stardumb. So we were sort of planning some touring around that release, but it was all 9-12 months in the future. I’d been writing so much for the two years leading up to that point and I didn’t want to stop. I also knew my lease was running out on the little studio space I rent, so I had about three months before I would have to move out of that.

So it was kind of a no-brainer to just keep on writing and recording. Honestly, I was a little worried about my state of mind without new music actively happening and I was quite burned out from writing so much for More Kicks, so making a new record on my own was an easy decision to make. I didn’t necessarily think it would be another album because there is always a chance that it turns out completely shit. Especially without the tasteful filter of Paolo and Kris (bass and drums from More Kicks) being applied to the songs. But as long as I was writing and recording something new, I knew I would feel okay.

Then I finished the ten songs and Punch Drunk was almost ready, so it was time to go and tour that thing. Vital Signs was done and even mastered, but it was just sitting on my computer. Six months later, I realized I didn’t want to do More Kicks anymore and I even had a completed record ready to go, so I finally got my arse in gear to get it released. I sent it to Stefan at Stardumb to see if he’d be interested – god bless him, he was – sorted out the artwork. Then that all takes a little while again, and here we are.

So the sound was just an amalgamation of physical limitations and the freedom of it not needing to be played by three people on a stage. There are so many limitations when making the record like that on my own. I record everything on an 8-track tape machine so I only have eight tracks to play with. Plus my own limited recording capabilities, I can’t play the drums and I suck at piano so that comes into play as well. Tiny cupboard-sized ‘studio’, loads of noise coming from everywhere in the building. In my head, I was going to make a huge orchestral piece, but that is simply not possible in those surroundings haha.

In terms of refining that sound, I just wanted it to have more space than my previous records. Less frenetic, more textures, a broader feel. I often wish I could embrace jam band aesthetics but that is essentially impossible if you’re playing things on your own and it’s all on tape so you can’t edit anything after recording. Plus, I’m quite a brutal editor of my own stuff, so what starts off in my head as ‘this will be a really long and tedious drone instrumental with almost no melody’ ends up becoming quite a concise pop song.

Your lyrics are captivating. Is writing them a smooth process for you?

Ah well thank you! I would say quite smooth, yes. I usually make a little demo of the song while I’m writing and the lyrics come last. I have nonsense placeholders in there while writing and then figure out what they should actually be once the music is at least mostly structured and worked out.

So I’m usually quite tired by the time it comes to writing the words. I like to write them very quickly and usually about 90% of those tired lyrics are there in the final version – just some tweaks here and there for better phrasing etc. Sometimes I think that might be why I often seem quite sad in the words – I’m just a bit tired by that point.

I usually write the chorus first and work backward to fill in the verses. That seems to help with the flow of setting the scene and the theme, and then getting a good payoff with the chorus. So the second verse can often be difficult because I’ve got a narrative that ‘ends’ with a chorus, but I have to continue the story for the second verse somehow. But yeah, I would say once the chorus words are in place, the rest of the words seem to come quite quickly.

I’m intrigued by ‘Guilty as Charged’. Can you share how that song came to be?

I had already started recording and while I was listening back to what I’d done, it all felt quite unambitious and nice. Exactly this idea of expanding the horizon is where I was going with Guilty As Charged, and also the song which precedes it, ‘Dronify’.

I was missing live drums on what I’d recorded. My friend Marco had played drums on Day Late Dollar Short and they sounded really nice. So I looped a few bars of him playing that song and just droned a bass riff over the top for four minutes. At this point, I realized I should essentially abandon structure and just go with the drone – so spoken word would be a good idea. I used that a bit on my first record ‘Light Years’ on the song ‘Lea Bridge’ so I liked the idea of returning to that.

I was reading ‘Nickel Boys’ by Colson Whitehead and he described someone as looking like they were ‘upholstered into their suit’. All disheveled and creased. I loved that. So I thought a character piece about whoever that person is would make for a great vignette. I wrote those words so fucking quickly, I’m not sure where it came from. The whole courtroom scene, the grotesque spectacle of a man getting sucked into thin air from within this horrible green linen suit. It really felt so freeing to write like that. A complete stream of consciousness that was absolutely not related to me or my life at all.

Many times I almost deleted that from the record because it felt thematically separate from everything else. If anyone had said to me ‘Erm, I’m not too sure about Guilty As Charged’, I would have definitely just thought, fuck it, and dropped it. But luckily, nobody heard the record except me until it was all finished. I’m glad it’s there.

Creating Vital Signs as a solo project must have been quite different from working with a band. What was that experience like?

Quick, instinctive, a little worrying because there is really no objective voice in the room at all. There is every chance that everything I’m recording is truly awful and I can’t tell because I’m far too close to the whole thing.

So it feels higher risk in one sense, but also lower risk in the sense that I have zero expectations for anything. Nobody is waiting for a James Sullivan solo record. I’m not even waiting for a James Sullivan solo record. I could quite easily finish a set of songs and then just do nothing with them and carry on with my life – as I almost did with these. But then, the ego in me can’t quite resist sharing them with the world in case other people also get a kick out of them.

Your new sound really showcases your vocal talents. Was this something you consciously aimed for?

Not at all, but I really appreciate that. With the self-recorded, straight to tape thing, I have to sing everything from start to finish in one take because I don’t have long enough arms to punch in the recording from where the microphone is in the room in relation to where the tape machine is. So it’s all in one take, or do the whole thing again. Which is mostly how I do it anyway – but this time it’s the only way I can physically do it.

I can definitely sing in tune; I don’t usually have problems with that. So having that one-take restriction probably adds a certain edge or sense of jeopardy to things. It definitely makes it feel more alive and, yep, more real.

What kind of compliment about Vital Signs would make you especially happy?

Christ, that’s quite difficult. I’m one of those dickheads who claims to not care about reviews but then when I get a nice one, I feel really good about it.

I think if people realize that I’m consciously trying new things, that I’m not scared of alienating listeners, that I am really really keen to not repeat myself, that makes me happy. I will scrap entire songs if they feel slightly too similar to something I’ve written before when it would be much easier to just tweak it slightly and record it. In fact, probably that would be an easier thing for listeners to get their heads around. I could have written More Kicks songs forever but I would have known I was cheating myself.

So I think if somebody told me I was a restless writer, that would make me very happy.

Top 25 Power Pop Hits of 2024: Unveiling the Best Songs Yet!

In 2024, Power Pop enthusiasts are in for a treat! Immerse yourself in the ever-expanding collection of now just over 100 top-notch tracks on The Best Power Pop of 2024 playlist.

Keep your ears tuned to and follow this Spotify playlist as we consistently add fresh soon-to-be classics every week.

From the plethora of amazing tunes, we’ve distilled the cream of the crop—the top 25 tracks of the year so far are now, at least for this week, reigning supreme at the top of the playlist.

Their position is likely to be challenged as we speak, so stay tuned for updates!

01 The Reflectors – All the Way Down

02 Rob Carroll – just about had it!!!

03 The Jellybricks – All About You

04 Wifey – Mary Ann Leaves The Band

05 Softjaw – Pleased With Me

06 Brent Seavers – Of Poetry

07 The Follies – Square Peg Round Hole

08 The Lemon Twigs – My Golden Years

09 The Prize – One Day at a Time

10 Spencer Segelov & Great Paintings – Don’t You Know?

11 Wesley Fuller – The Velvet Affair

12 Paul Collins – I’ m The Only One For You

13 The Real Numbers – Lucy’s in Love

14 Eyelids – Bound to Let You Down

15 Sorry Darling – Sorry Darling

16 Luke of Ulysses – Car Trouble

17 The Maureens – Stand Up!

18 Hoorsees – Artschool

19 Extra Arms – I Don’t Wanna Surrender

20 Steve Rosenbaum – Blurs Somewhere

21 Liquid Mike – K2

22 Lava Fangs – Where Did She Go

23 Ward White – Continuity

24 Kate Clover – Damage Control

25 The Second Summer – Something

Lava Fangs – Where Did She Go (Q&A)

Lava Fangs’ forthcoming album, “Sub Auroram,” is introduced by the irresistibly catchy single “Where Did She Go.” Jamie Coghill and Andrew Horne delve into their experiences crafting what they describe as the challenging process of creating their sophomore record.

You can discover ‘Where Did She Go’ featured on the Best Power Pop of 2024 Spotify Playlist.

Could you share the journey of bringing this record to life? How did all the pieces come together to create the final product?

Jamie – “Where Did She Go” is the lead single from our “difficult second album” … It’s an expression I’ve heard many times since becoming a fan of music as a kid. For the most part I pooh-poohed such a silly expression; How can a second album be difficult? As a fan of music I can think of many bands whose second album is an all time favourite. As a musician, being allowed the opportunity to make ANY album is a privilege and should be immune to such trivialities as being difficult!

As a middle aged musician at the dusty end of several careers in bands who *almost* got somewhere, I can now look on that expression with the road-worn experience of having been involved in a few “difficult second albums” myself. It’s remarkable and lucky really for any band to be around long enough to make it to the second album. The first album is full of excitement and the momentum of being a fresh new band and having a backlog of songs you’re eager to get out into the world and establish your sound with. The follow up album feels the pressure of having to live up to that effortless enthusiasm and momentum the first album had. The first album comes together instinctively, almost as if by accident. The second album has to be planned and meticulously thought out – yet it’s still supposed to somehow sound “fresh”.

The Lava Fangs “difficult second album”, Sub Auroram didn’t start out difficult. In fact we had almost all of the songs written and demoed within a year of releasing our debut. But then the world hit a speed bump that no bands have had to endure in the past – a bloody global pandemic! By the time we were finally able to get together and begin recording it had been a difficult couple of years and we’d all had COVID. I was still getting over it when we went into the studio with Paul Maybury (Rocket Science/The Pink Tiles) to track guitars, bass and drums to 24 track tape. We then spent the next year overdubbing and mixing it ourselves whenever our schedules allowed.

Listening to “Where Did She Go” now, I’m thankful that none of that “difficulty” comes through. It’s just as fresh and exciting as if it were from our debut record. Having four contributing songwriters gives Lava Fangs a fairly unique and diverse sound that only a handful of other bands share (readers of this blog are no doubt aware of Canada’s Sloan … can you think of any others?). For the most part Lava Fangs write songs individually then bring them to the band to add our combined flavour with arrangements, lyric and backing vocal suggestions, but “Where Did She Go” is one of our rare collaborations. Drew (guitar/vocals) brought us a song that we all loved but something was missing so I wrote some lyrics, a vocal melody and a pre chorus to tie all Drew’s bits up into a finished sounding song. I’m very proud of it as a group effort.

Was there a particular moment or experience that struck you, signaling that you were onto something special with this project?

Andrew – when I start to write a song, my process is stumbling across a few chords or melodies that I think sound cool. For “Where Did She Go” the initial verse chord progression sounded great to my ears. Then I tinkered with it till it was ready to present to the band. 

From there, the band decides if the song has merit to continue. Jamie added a pre chorus and vocal melody so I guess it had legs!

Sometimes when you are deep in the process with a song it’s difficult to see outside of what you are doing. You have to shut out your inner critic and appreciate what you have created. For me, I find that once the band has given the song a thumbs up I can sit back and be proud of what we have done. The separation of time certainly helps too.

The decision to seek opinions on your new songs is intriguing. When did you realize that external perspectives could contribute to your creative process?

Jamie – Sweet sweet validation!! We all crave it don’t we? Especially on an artistic level. Is it really art if nobody appreciates it? Actually yes, but validation is also nice. As far as other people’s opinions contributing to my own creative process, I think it’s an intangible influence. I don’t write a song thinking about what people might say or think about it, I prefer the creative spark to come naturally and take shape instinctively and then decide whether or not I think it’s worth sharing with the world. Other people’s opinions only serve to encourage me and give me the confidence to keep making music – which is important and helpful, but not essential.

Andrew – I concur with Jamie on this one, validation spurns us (me) to continue on with creative pursuits. With any creative venture self-doubt rears its head constantly. Any positive words from respected peers/friends goes a long way. This affirms that what you are doing is worth pursuing and to trust in your instincts. 

Success can take on different meanings as time goes on. When envisioning success for this new record, what does that picture look like now?

Jamie – This is so very true and a great observation! My measure of success when I was in my twenties is very different from how I feel today. For me, this album is already a big success even before it’s released! The fact that Wally and Jo from Cheersquad Records and Tapes were willing and enthusiastic to work with us to release it on their label is a success Lava Fangs haven’t achieved before. Having the opportunity to release 2 digital singles leading up to our second full length album on vinyl is a huge achievement for us. If people like it once it comes out in May (and maybe buy a few copies of the LP), it will just be icing on the cake. A big delicious success cake!

Andrew – At this stage in my/our musical journey, respect from my peers is how I’d like measure success. Having Cheersquad Records and Tapes deeming Lava Fangs worthy of release feels pretty successful to me.

Within this collection, do you feel that the best song you’ve ever written finds its home? If not, what distinguishes this record’s essence from your prior work?

Jamie – Our coming Album, Sub Auroram, feels like a more mature and thoughtful collection of songs to me. It’s definitely our best album as a whole. Personally it’s going to be hard to top “Line Up For A Broken Heart” and “I’m No Good For You” from our debut LP. Those songs came to me unexpectedly from out of nowhere and I’m very proud of them and may never write anything better than those two. Sub Auroram and its songs may not feel like it has the one-two punch of our exciting and energetic debut LP but it definitely has way more musical depth and is arguably a much stronger collection of songs. [See my solo project The Jimmy C and the movie soundtrack for Brides Of Satan for the best song I think I’ve ever written: “Learning To Live To Death”!]

Speaking for the rest of the band though, I’d say probably YES! Wesley’s “Lost For Words” is an excellent song for our newest/youngest songwriter (they haven’t been writing songs as long as the rest of us) and I expect even better songs are in their future. Drew’s “Photograph” is a stunningly mature song and I wish I’d written it. Stu’s songs on this album are also very very strong but my favourite of his songs is “Spitting Nails” from Sons Of Lee Marvin’s Minimum Underdrag LP from a few years ago. Look it up, you won’t be disappointed.

As an artist, the act of baring your emotions to the world is profound. Does this vulnerability come naturally to you, or is it a constant journey of finding comfort?

Andrew – Feeling inadequate is a rich vein to mine for lyrical themes. Hiding your true meaning behind metaphor, double speak and just plain lyrical nonsense says I’m not all that comfortable wearing my heart on my sleeve…just yet.

Imagine you could collaborate with three co-writers of your choice for new songs. Who would you select, and what qualities or dynamics draw you to them?

Jamie – I’m pretty lucky to already have three top shelf collaborators in Lava Fangs, but my three fantasy favourites would be:

1) Andy Partridge. He’s easily THE BEST songwriter in music history. XTC are a sorely underrated band and Andy’s humour mixed with emotional depth and massive talent are just incredible. His angular approach to guitar is amazing too.

2) Jeff Lynne. The immensity of Jeff Lynne’s genius will never be appreciated because ELO got too popular. People dismiss ELO as mainstream disco fodder (less so in recent years) but it’s clear why he got to work with the remaining Beatles in the 90s and all those legends in the 80s. If I could be transported to 1970 and replace Bev Bevan in the late era Move/fledgling ELO with him and Roy Wood, I’d be in creative heaven! Such a creative time and Jeff’s vocal harmonies and arranging are pop perfection!

3) There’s so many others but I think I’ll pick Roland Orzabal. Pop genius and Tears For Fears’ “Everybody Loves A Happy Ending” album is a proper masterpiece. He’s often very sincere in his music and not afraid to risk it all artistically.

And I’ll kick myself for not choosing Gruff Rhys, Lee Hazlewood, Andy Sturmer (Jellyfish), Jay and Chris from Sloan (and Pat and Andrew), and Max Comaskey from Dirty Fences – how much fun that would be!!!!

Andrew – Again I find myself concurring with Jamie about being spoilt with 3 excellent collaborators. Each time one of the ‘Fangs’ presents a new song or idea I’m excited to see what they’ve come up with. That’s a pretty cool place to be! And, knowing that my band mates will interpret my ideas in a particular way influences the way I write. Absolutely!

However, in no particular order these folks would be cool to pen a tune with –

• Kim Salmon & Spencer P Jones I’m cheating and making them a package deal. At the top of their game both could write songs with interesting & unique musical content and lyrics. Their songs have great depth & humour all in one go. Both absolute treasures in the Australian music alumni.

• Harry Vander & George Young. I could add them to this list for the Easybeats alone however they went on to churn out great songs in any style you liked (as long it was rock, pop or disco) for decades.

• Lee Hazlewood. Do I need to elaborate? [Jamie – HELL YEAH LEE HAZLEWOOD!!!!]

Honourable mentions of Gene Clark, Alex Chilton, Beck, Dolly Parton, T Swift (I think you’d get a bang-up working lunch with T Swiz is all)  

Among the gigs you’ve performed, which one holds an indelible place in your memory and why does it stand out?

Andrew – The one we are about to perform in a drainage ditch at a rouge ‘generator’ skateboard party I think will be pretty memorable. 

Or, that time I played support to Arthur Lee. What made that special? Arthur Lee!!

Jamie – In bands other than Lava Fangs, I got to drum in front of thousands of people at Melbourne’s Arts Centre forecourt playing AC/DC songs for an exhibition opening … that was pretty cool … but not as cool as the time I was playing at a tiny pub in Adelaide and threw my drum sticks above my head and walked off stage when a guy grabbed my arm and pointed to the dart board behind the drum kit with my sticks balancing perfectly on the ledge above! One in a million chance.

Defining a song’s completion can be elusive. How do you determine when a composition has reached its final, ready-to-record form?

Jamie – I feel like I’m pretty good at this, but it’s not necessarily a skill. It’s pure instinct for me. It’s finished when I can’t hear anything wrong or missing. It helps also to be time poor, both with Lava Fangs and my solo music as The Jimmy C, it’s about getting the most out of limited time. It’s actually an advantage to have kids and work stopping you from spending days and days on one song and never feeling fully satisfied because it won’t meet your expectations. If you have a set amount of time to get it done, it’s done when the time runs out!

Striking a balance between experimental artistry and commercial appeal is a challenge. How do you navigate this dynamic within your music?

Jamie – Commercial appeal? Never heard of it! Be true to your art – but pick a lane. Write the best kind of song you can within the parameters of your chosen style or genre. I’ve never had commercial appeal but I do try to write accessible songs. I respect the craft of songwriting and so don’t get too experimental within a song itself, but I really enjoy experimenting with genres and the structure of an album as a whole.

Andrew – Never tried. Making stupid noises with a memory man is more fun than being appealing commercially.

Lyrics often carry profound meaning. Are there particular lines you hope listeners will always remember from your songs? If so, what’s the significance?

Jamie – See “She’s So Cool” from our Unclarity EP from last December. Some of my most profoundly silly lyrics. I’m very proud to have the word “precipitation” feature in the chorus backing vocals.

I think Stu probably has the greatest gift for turn of phrase and cleverness in his lyrics within the Lava Fangs band. Go check out some Stu songs in our back catalogue.

Can you recall the last instance when you felt the immediate certainty of having penned a hit song?

Jamie – I have never, and will never write a “hit”, but I have written a few songs that I think can stand up along side the music I love as a music fan – and it’s an incredible feeling when you’re rising to that level. It’s always a surprise to me when I finish writing or recording a song that doesn’t sound shit! If I can write a song as good as the worst song by my favourite bands then I know I’m achieving something very rare.

Andrew – I write shit songs all the time…oh right you said hit song. I’ll let you know.

With the resurgence of cassettes, imagine curating your inaugural mixtape. Which five songs would be must-adds and why?

Jamie – I sure do love curating a good mixtape/CD/playlist! I’m surrounded by cassettes all day every day so they’re still a very familiar medium for me.: 

• The Last Plimsoll by Stackridge – a pop opera masterpiece! Complex, richly musical and a tune you can whistle! 

• Cybele’s Reverie by Stereolab – It’s vintage Yéyé pop with 90s indie cred … cracking track! 

• Harold Faltermeyer’s theme from Fletch – just to catch the listener off guard! It’s so 80s and synthy and arguably way better than Axel F. 

• Fade Away by Sloan – Jay Ferguson’s Action Pact album closer. It’s a real hidden gem in the Sloan catalogue and it hits me right in the feels. 

• And lastly; More Than He’ll Have To Give by John D. Loudermilk – Just a beautiful gentle simple song about never being better than others but being the right person for someone. Could be swapped with Waiting For Someone by The Tokens from their incredible concept album Intercourse. 

And all the songs I haven’t mentioned are causing me great pain … Homefront Cameo by Cotton Mather, Change For The World by Charles Bradley, King Kong by The Jimmy Castor Bunch, Ladybird by Tears For Fears … ouch! Let me dub you a 10 tape collection on C-90s!

Andrew – Ahhhh the mixed tape. The romantic calling card of yesteryear! 

I’d have to include songs by The Stooges (Ashetons only please!) ok ok I’d pick Dirt from Funhouse. Nancy Sinatra would deffo feature! But what song? Sugar Town for a subtle drug reference, ‘Boots’ is way too obvious; Summer Wine I think would be a great choice but then again Bang Bang is bloody ace! Can we get a cheer from the back for Billy Strange and his arrangement of that song??

Big Star has always a place on such tapes, and I’d wager lots of people first heard Big Star in this format. Thirteen would be a great addition if your intent was to woo.

What’s that three? Two more to go.

Always a big fan of Australian 80’s indie music I’d have to include the Beasts of Bourbon or Scientists (don’t ask me to pick a song) and before you flip that tape over lets hear from Redd Kross – I saw them steal the show (over the Hoodoo Gurus) with a rendition of ‘Jimmy’s Fantasy’ so that one! 

While you can’t dictate how people interpret your music, are there specific elements you wish to highlight that set your songs apart?

Jamie – Definitely the fact that we four Fangs all contribute songs and arrangements and ideas to each other’s songs. Many bands have a dominant songwriter and other members who are just happy to play their part. With us you get four different flavours and sets of influences which I think diversifies us thematically and stylistically from most other bands.

If tasked with introducing your music through three songs, which ones would you choose and what story do they collectively convey to new listeners?

Jamie – Ouch, yet another “Sophie’s Choice” … I have to mention “Line Up For A Broken Heart” because I wrote it and I’m very proud of it. It’s the main track that makes people consider us a power pop band. The other side of Lava Fangs is our “garage surf rock” side. A good example of this is a song you’ll have to wait until May to hear when our new album comes out; “Dancing For Satan” – a song that shows our silly side co-written by Wesley (bass/vocals) and Stu Manchu (guitar/vocals). My third and difficult final choice is “Where Did She Go”, our current single. Those three should be enough to convince anyone that we’re worth listening to and then people can look deeper into some of Stu’s garage punk tracks or Drew’s melodic 70s rock, Wesley’s indie pop … and our more moody and contemplative moments … and there’s so much more coming in May with our Sub Auroram LP!

In a hypothetical scenario where you could tour with two other bands, who would be your ideal companions and what synergies do you envision?

Jamie – I’d love to share a stage with Dirty Fences from New York. Their energy and antics would make for such a fun night. I’d also love to play with Canada’s Sloan even though they’d make me feel completely inadequate because they’re so amazing musically … If this were a time travelling fantasy I’d play with Jellyfish in 1993 and look even more inadequate. But what a story I’d have to tell!!

Andrew – Mudhoney & Mudhoney. Call it a life ambition. 

Studio moments often hold a touch of magic. Could you recount an instance that stands out as the most enchanting during your creative process?

Andrew – I could not tell you of one instance of a creative stand out, we have many. 

Creative epiphanies keep you coming back to the practice room when your regular life leaves you beat. It’s those times working on a great song or someone comes up with a cool part that is immediately apparent; that’s the magic that keeps you coming back time and time again.

Jamie – We giggle a lot in the studio. It’s lucky we handle most of our production and recording ourselves or we’d thoroughly piss people off.

How would you describe the evolution of your sound in this new album compared to your previous works? Were there intentional shifts in style or themes?

Jamie – Our first EP, 2017’s Black Rain, was a very noisy DIY garage affair, but still has a few hints of melodic evolution to come. Our Debut LP added the power pop flavours to the garage and punk and also introduced more thought to the production and arrangements with more vocal harmonies and musical textures. Our new album sounds more mature still in production and song writing. We still capture some frantic garage energy in places but we’ve evolved to give the concept of melody a little more respect. Our next project will probably rebel from this thoughtfulness and devolve into noise rock chaos … onwards and sideways!!