Introducing Dream Pony: The Irresistible Sound of Neo Glam

Dream Pony draws inspiration from the Ramones, The Velvet Underground, and The Strokes, crafting a unique sound they call Neo Glam. Their music could also be perfectly described as New York Pop. This debut album is simply irresistible.

You can find ‘TONIGHT’ showcased on the Best Power Pop of 2024 Spotify Playlist.

Sweet Sweet Music talked to Jordan D’Arsie.

Defining a song’s completion can be elusive. How do you determine when a composition has reached its final, ready-to-record form?

I think there’s a line to be walked between some part of looseness and some form of structure. We usually have parts and things semi-worked out and understood, but a lot happens when the song is finally being put onto tape.

Usually, we kick it around a bit in the room until we are somewhat satisfied, and then we add things to it as we go. I think the thing is you’re chasing something, but you also need to be open to accept things that come along. Often, these elements present themselves, and when they do, you make the decision.

Striking a balance between experimental artistry and commercial appeal is a challenge. How do you navigate this dynamic within your music?

It’s not something I really think about while writing a song. I feel a good song is a good song, and whether it has commercial viability or not is not really a factor. There are so many amazing unknown songs, important songs to us that, for one reason or another, never really broke through to a commercial market. I think the exercise of writing a song needs to remain separate from any predetermined outcome, and that way, it’s able to form itself the way it wants to.

Lyrics often carry profound meaning. Are there particular lines you hope listeners will always remember from your songs? If so, what’s the significance?

There are a few messages throughout the record. Different things hit you at different times, and also, people receive things in certain ways and have distinct takeaways. I guess that’s the pleasure of writing and reading.

There are a few lines scattered through the album that are hopeful, and I think in general, they are trying to convey to people to stay true to yourself and follow your heart. Lines like in “Sunday Suits,” “some people like to save all their money, some people like to favor their dreams” and “Suspicion Today,” “Do you remember that love, oh what it would feel like, I want you to know”.

Things like that, I just wanted to share some hope and convey that imagination can set you free amongst some of the darker themes that are throughout this album.

Imagine you could collaborate with three co-writers of your choice for new songs. Who would you select, and what qualities or dynamics draw you to them?

That’s a tough one, there are so many! If I had to pick three, it would be John Felice from Real Kids; I just love his songs, energy, and everything about the band’s spirit. They really lift me up. Patti Smith would be another I’d love to have the opportunity to collaborate with. I’d love to see how her process of writing a song unfolds, and I don’t know what I could offer haha, but I’d love to be in the room and see what happens. My third would be Tim Rogers from You Am I; I’ve always been a big fan of his songwriting, and I’d love to see what unfolds. All of this being said, I’d probably be way too shy to be able to do it. I would certainly freeze up and likely say something really silly haha.

In the digital age, visual elements are intertwined with music. How did you approach the album’s visual aesthetics, such as album art and accompanying visuals? How do they complement the sonic experience you’ve crafted?

Being our debut album for Dream Pony, we wanted to create something that reflected the album title Suspicion Today but also Dream Pony as a concept. I wanted to create a dreamlike space for the songs to exist within. I had this concept of something floating around like the bridge in our song “Sunday Suits” and the ethereal being out there, however, casting a shadow below so in some ways it floats but still touches something. We purposefully wanted it to cast that shadow and reflect some kind of tangible illusion. We sourced several objects and various horse statues that we workshopped until we came upon the cloud background and pony plush toy, which we named Tony the pony. The artwork was captured by our great friend and super-talented photographer Ryan Slack at Mediumplex studio in Brooklyn.

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